Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Colour symmetry. Guilherme Mendes da Rocha, Brasil - p1 - «pg»

Author: Guilherme Mendes da Rocha, Arquiteto

Colour symmetry in the same pattern. Yellow lines are the border of a fundamental region. Glides are represented by green lines.  (12), (34) and (56) means that the colours interchange; i means the identity.
1- Pink Madder Lake; 2 - Cyan; 3 - Sepia; 4 - Deep Cobalt; 5 - Peacock Blue; 6 - Light Geranium Red.

This is an example of three superpositions, (12), (34) and (56), in the case stated in the third row of the table in Section 4.3 (Figure 12, «pg») in

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