Tuesday, January 12, 2010

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Puzzles with polyhedra and numbers: pages 103-131

Introduction (Jorge Nuno Silva)
The Sociable Game of the Goose (Adrian Seville)
Jogos Matemáticos, A Portuguese Project (Alda Carvalho, Carlos Santos, Jo~ao Neto, Jorge Nuno Silva)
An English riddle: Chess and Draughts in medieval England (Arie van der Stoep)
At the crossroads of trade in the Indian Ocean - a ludic exploration (Alex de Voogt)
The development and dispersal of l'Attaque games (Fred Horn and Alex de Voogt)
Toward a Classi cation of Non-Electronic Table Games (Bruce Whitehill)
Alekhine's Death: Murder or natural causes? (Dagoberto Markl)
Elements of chance and skill in games (David Parlett)
Draughts and Academies des Jeux (Jurgen Stigter)
Origami's Geometry (Liliana Monteiro)
Puzzles with polyhedra and numbers (Jorge Rezende)
The History of Combinatorial Game Theory (Richard J. Nowakowski)
The use of the game of chess to represent famous battles (Pedro Palhares)
Mathematical Games (Dores Ferreira, Pedro Palhares, Jorge Nuno Silva)
Goths, Vikings and Hanseatic Town. Gaming pieces from the Museum of Archeology and History Elbag collection (Piotr Adamczyk)
Pente grammai - the ancient Greek board game Five Lines (Ulrich Schädler)
Education via a Board Game Understanding forecasting (Rozainun Haji Abdul Aziz)